Tagged: birthday

It’s Almost Baseball Season Again!

So I took a break from my blogging during the off season.  Don’t worry, I managed to stay pretty busy.  Here’s a quick recap.

We took Pap up to the mountains for his birthday.  Dad and I did some hiking by the river.

I attended my first hockey game.  We saw the Colorado Avalance vs. the Edmonton Oilers.  It’s no baseball, but it’ll do in the winter.

Stacy and I did a little trick or treating. 

I got a chance to play in the snow.  That white stuff is neat.  Mom and Dad even made a snow man for me to look at through my window. 

I turned 2 and ate lots of cake! 

Christmas was a lot of fun this year.  Santa brought me all kinds of fun things. 

I met this guy at the National Western Stock Show.  He must have been hungry because he tried to eat my coat.   

I learned how to ride a horse. 

Stacy and I hit the slots in Vegas. 

But most of all, I worked on being a good big brother for my little sis Stacy.
update10.jpgThe regular season starts in a few weeks.  Dad and I have been watching Spring Training games on the MLB Network.  I can’t wait for the season to begin.  Dad and I are heading out to catch a few games in Phoenix and Mom and Stacy are going to visit family back east.  Stay tuned for more!


My Big Party!

I had my first birthday last week.  On the 18th, I officially turned 1 year old!  Mom and Dad hosted a nice party just for me.  The gang at MLBlogs.com even put me on the homepage!  Check me out:


I’m still getting used to the whole birthday thing, but I think I like it.  People give you a party along with food and presents.  I can get used to this.  Dad had one recently when we went back to Maryland for his cousin’s wedding.  They got him a fancy cake with the Rockies logo on it. 


Mom got me this big comfy chair, kind of like the one Dad always sits in.  Only mine has Elmo on it and I don’t need any help getting into it. 

I got some other presents too, but they were all wrapped up.  I think they wrapped them up so I’d have something to put in my mouth later.  Wrapping paper is yummy and sops up drool surprisingly well.  I tried to get Elmo to help, but he just sat there and watched.


I opened presents, played with my new toys and ate pizza, cheese and fruit.  It was the perfect party.  Mom even got me a special cake.  It was a banana cream cheesecake.


It was really yummy.  I ate almost the whole piece.  The part I didn’t eat, I just smeared on my shirt for a late-night snack. 


It was a great party.  It even snowed on my special day. 

I’m getting ready for Christmas.  I’ve got my shopping done and most of my presents wrapped.  Dad was supposed to give Santa my wish list.  I hope he didn’t forget.  I was crying so hard when I saw Santa a few weeks ago that I forgot to give it to him.

birthday6.jpgSanta, if you’re reading this, I just wanted to say that I’m sorry for crying so hard.  It’s nothing personal.  It’s just that it was past my nap time and I was starting to get cranky.  I’ve been a good boy this year.  I hope you come see me soon!


My 1st Birthday and I made the Top 100 for 2008!

So tomorrow I officially turn 1.  I just found out that I made the top 100 on MLBlogs!  Wow, what a birthday gift!  Thanks to everyone for reading my little spot on the internet.  I know, I know, it’s been way too long since I’ve posted.  I hope to change all that.  I’ve been bouncing ideas off of Mom and Dad and we’re going to get busy on keeping my blog up to date. 

I got my first birthday present this weekend from my friend Rowan.  He gave me a baseball present.  He must know me pretty well.  Here I am opening my very first birthday present.  Thanks Rowan!


birthday.jpgMom’s planning a big party for me tomorrow.  It sounds like she invited everybody.  Gran C and Pappy will be there, my kitties will be there, my friends will be there, my bears will be there.  I can’t wait.   

I have so much to share with you and tell you about, but it’s way past my bed time.  Check back soon and thanks again for reading!